Announcing they needed somewhere more modern and easy to look after, he shocked friends and former employees by moving his family to a tiny rented terraced house opposite a council estate in nearby Morpeth, insisting: Ive no interest in bricks and mortar. 伯尼认为,他们需要住在更加现代化和容易打理的地方,于是他做出了一个令朋友和员工们震惊的决定:举家迁往莫佩思附近的一所狭小的出租房。
Family Planning Leading Group of the State Council 国务院计划生育领导小组
Clever and "modernising" as the creation of the family council may have been, it has yet to prove its efficacy. 这个家族委员会的成立也许已经做到了灵活而“现代化”这一点,但是它还需要证明它的效力。
It's an obvious refuge for the Gaddafi family as the two countries have a long border and the Algerian government has still not recognised the opposition National Transitional Council. 由于两国的边境线很长,而且阿尔及利亚政府现在还没有认可反对派过渡国民委员会,卡扎菲的家人很明显是避难行为。
Supreme power rests, however, with the family council, the assembly of all the adult members of the household, women as well as men. 但是,最高权力集中在家庭会议,即全体成年男女社员的会议。
Not be a current employee or direct family of an employee of the FCO, British council, any joint partner of the Chevening scheme, or directly related organizations. 目前不能是FCO、英国使馆文化教育处以及志奋领奖学金计划的任何合作伙伴或直接关联组织的员工或员工直系家属。
The report was released online and authored by groups advocating for gay rights including Movement Advancement Project, Family Equality Council and Center for American Progress. 该报告由倡导同性恋权利的团体“运动促进项目”、“家庭平等委员会”和“美国进步中心”共同撰写,并在网上发表。
Since then a memorial trust involving family members, Belfast City Council, government, sporting and culture representatives has been discussing plans for a memorial. 从那以后纪念他的愿望萦绕在家人的心头,贝尔法斯特市议会、政府、体育和文化代表们一直在讨论纪念的计划。
The way to do this is through the family, Campbell says in a report published by the National Council on Family Relations. 坎布尔在全国家庭关系会议上发表的一份报告中说,实施它的途径是通过家庭。
Family Inheritance, Firm's Control Right Shifting and Family Council 家族传承、企业控制权转移与家族理事会
The Family Planning Council and demographers need to stop ignoring the facts and put the revision of China's population policy onto the fast track. 计生委和人口学家需要停止忽视事实,并且急需修正中国的人口政策。
Anti-abortion groups, including the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, had joined the doctors'group in trying to reverse the FDA decision. 反堕胎团体包括家庭研究理事会和关怀美国妇女会都加入了医生队伍试图推翻FDA的决定。
In addition to a busy corporate family life, Jeff is a great Princeton alum, he volunteers in engineering leadership council which is a group of very talented individuals. 公司生活之外,杰夫还是一个普林斯顿的优秀校友,他在工程领导顾问中做义工,这个群体中全是非常有才的人。
"Division Officer, Family and Child Care Services, Hong Kong Council of Social Service" 香港社会服务联会家庭及儿童服务部部门干事
Methods We prevented and interfered infant's mental health problem according to the task standard and training plan for duly children's healthy personality by national family planning council. 方法按照国家计划生育委员会培养独生子女健全人格课题要求和培养方案,对幼儿的心理卫生问题进行预防和早期干预。